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MOD select AMP Power Protection Ltd to design and supply the next generation of UPS for the NSOIT(D) programme.


uninterruptible power supply

uninterruptible power supply









AMP Power Protection (Part of the AMP Group) are pleased to announce that they have been selected to supply the next generation of universal Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to support and protect the NSOIT(D) network. The design concept started in 2019. The MOD needed a universal, transportable, and rugged UPS to protect the NSOIT(D) critical equipment.  AMP had already supplied similar UPS for Falcon & FEEC, so we drew for our experience to design the new concept.


The MOD provided the outline specification and requirements. This allowed AMP Power to select the best technical and commercial COTS products available and put together a UPS Power Package to meet the requirements. In Early 2021, AMP Power were successful in bidding to design and supply the prototypes.  This was achieved quickly and successfully, after approval trials, again AMP Power were successful in winning the contract to supply field production UPS for full deployment.


Delivery of the equipment started early 2022 and will complete in Q3-2022.


Andy Parfitt – CEO – AMP Power Protection said: –

“We are very proud to be associated with the prestigious project, the UPS is a critical part of the NSOIT(D) infrastructure, which in turn is a critical part of the high-profile project which will add capability and resilience to the MOD platform. We have designed and supplied a Power Protection System that will ensure that the NSOIT(D) platform will operate safely, effectively, efficiently, and continuously within the battlefield environment ensuring the safety and effectiveness of our service personnel. The UPS system was designed quickly but professionally to ensure we met all the MOD requirements, which were many, the result is a very flexible UPS Power Protection solution that meets or exceeds the current and future needs.”


About Us

AMP Power Protection are specialists in Rugged UPS and Critical Power Protection Systems for Defence Applications. We can custom design and manufacture rugged UPS systems to meet with customers issued specifications. Tested to exactly meet your requirements (detailed specifications include the relevant DEFSTAN (00-35|59-41) and MIL-STD approvals)


Find out more about our Naval UPS and other Defence UPS options here:

Contact us today on or phone 01908 470289


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